Date | Reporter | Paper(s) |
4/17 |
Yoshikawa |
"Subregion Independence in Gravity"
Åsmund Folkestad arXiv:2311.09403 [hep-th] |
4/17 |
Shimizu |
"Averaged Null Energy and the Renormalization Group" "Null energy constraints on two-dimensional RG flows" Thomas Hartman, Grégoire Mathys arXiv:2309.14409 [hep-th] arXiv:2310.15217 [hep-th] |
5/1 |
Maeda |
"Anomalies and gauging of U(1) symmetries"
Andrea Antinucci, Francesco Benini arXiv:2401.10165 [hep-th] |
5/8 |
Tokutake |
"Perturbative QCD meets phase quenching: The pressure of cold Quark Matter"
Pablo Navarrete, Risto Paatelainen, Kaapo Seppänen arXiv:2403.02180 [hep-ph] |
5/15 |
Akhond |
"Boundary condition and reflection anomaly in 2+1 dimensions"
Jiunn-Wei Chen, Chang-Tse Hsieh, Ryutaro Matsudo arXiv:2306.10845 [hep-th] |
5/22 |
Fukuma |
"Determination of spin-parity quantum numbers of X(2370) as 0^-+ from J/ψ→γK^0_SK^0_Sη'"
M. Ablikim et al. arXiv:2312.05324 [hep-ex] "Study of the pseudoscalar glueball in J/ψ radiative decays" Long-Cheng Gui, Jia-Mei Dong, Ying Chen, Yi-Bo Yang arXiv:1906.03666 [hep-lat] |
5/29 |
Furugori |
"The Entropy of Dynamical Black Holes"
Stefan Hollands, Robert M. Wald, Victor G. Zhang arXiv:2402.00818 [hep-th] |
6/5 |
Hashimoto |
"Quantum gravity of the Heisenberg algebra"
Ahmed Almheiri, Akash Goel, Xu-Yao Hu arXiv:2403.18333 [hep-th] |
6/12 |
Hatakeyama |
"Fuzzy Gauge Theory for Quantum Computers"
Andrei Alexandru, Paulo F. Bedaque, Andrea Carosso, Michael J. Cervia, Edison M. Murairi, Andy Sheng arXiv:2308.05253 [hep-lat] |
6/19 |
Takeda |
"New horizon symmetries, hydrodynamics, and quantum chaos"
Maria Knysh, Hong Liu, Natalia Pinzani-Fokeeva arXiv:2405.17559 [hep-th] |
6/26 |
Ito |
"Dark Matter production during Warm Inflation via Freeze-In"
Katherine Freese, Gabriele Montefalcone, Barmak Shams Es Haghi arXiv:2401.17371 [hep-ph] |
7/3 |
Kushiro |
"All holographic systems have scar states"
Alexey Milekhin, Nikolay Sukhov arXiv:2307.11348 [hep-th] |
7/10 |
Kuwahara |
"Gauged Gaussian PEPS -- A High Dimensional Tensor Network Formulation for Lattice Gauge Theories"
Ariel Kelman, Umberto Borla, Itay Gomelski, Jonathan Elyovich, Gertian Roose, Patrick Emonts, Erez Zohar arXiv:2404.13123 [hep-lat] |
7/17 |
Kyo |
"One-loop Double Copy Relation in String Theory"
S. Stieberger arXiv:2310.07755 [hep-th] |
7/24 |
Sannai |
"Transformer Layers as Painters"
Qi Sun, Marc Pickett, Aakash Kumar Nain, Llion Jones arXiv:2407.09298 [cs.CL] |
7/31 |
Shigemura |
"A Background Independent Algebra in Quantum Gravity" "Algebras, Regions, and Observers" Edward Witten arXiv:2308.03663 [hep-th] arXiv:2303.02837 [hep-th] |
10/30 |
Sugimoto |
"High Energy String Scattering in AdS"
Luis F. Alday, Tobias Hansen, Maria Nocchi arXiv:2312.02261 [hep-th] |
11/6 |
Sugishita |
"Looking at extremal black holes from very far away"
Maciej Kolanowski, Donald Marolf, Ilija Rakic, Mukund Rangamani, Gustavo J. Turiaci arXiv:2409.16248 [hep-th] |
11/13 |
Sugiura |
"Regular Black Holes From Pure Gravity"
Pablo Bueno, Pablo A. Cano, Robie A. Hennigar arXiv:2403.04827 [gr-qc] |
11/20 |
Sugiyama |
"Minimally Extended Current Algebras of Toroidal Conformal Field Theories"
Hans Jockers, Maik Sarve, Ida G. Zadeh arXiv:2404.18269 [hep-th] |
11/27 |
Tanahashi |
"Spread Complexity Rate as Proper Momentum"
Pawel Caputa, Bowen Chen, Ross W. McDonald, Joan Simón, Benjamin Strittmatter arXiv:2410.23334 [hep-th] |
12/18 |
Ishii |
"Random matrix universality in dynamical correlation functions at late times"
Oscar Bouverot-Dupuis, Silvia Pappalardi, Jorge Kurchan, Anatoli Polkovnikov, Laura Foini arXiv:2407.12103 [hep-th] |
12/25 |
Tsukamoto |
"Precise Determination of Nucleon Gravitational Form Factors"
Xiong-Hui Cao, Feng-Kun Guo, Qu-Zhi Li, De-Liang Yao arXiv:2411.13398 [hep-ph] |
1/8 |
Yoshinaka |
"A Background-Independent Closed String Action at Tree Level"
Amr Ahmadain, Alexander Frenkel, Aron C. Wall arXiv:2410.11928 [hep-th] |
1/22 |
Yoda |
"Amplitudes for Hawking Radiation"
Rafael Aoude, Donal O'Connell, Matteo Sergola arXiv:2412.05267 [hep-th] |
m/d |
Watanabe |
TBA arXiv:yymm.nnnnn [hep-th] |
m/d |
Yoshioka |
TBA arXiv:yymm.nnnnn [hep-th] |
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